Use your unique point of view to share your city's entertainment scene with the rest of the world
FestGround is currently looking for writers in Asia who have a unique perspective, are passionate about electronic music and would love to share their work with us. From Taipei, Tokyo and Seoul, all the way to Singapore, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur- we want to hear all of your music and nightlife recommendations from the cities you live in.
This could include music festivals, DJs, nightclubs, bars, other music related activities and so on. We're really looking forward to seeing more of Asia's music and nightlife through your individual point of view, so that with FestGround we can share Asia's electronic music scene to the rest of the world.
Target cities: Seeking writers from Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo, Singapore, Bangkok and other major Asian cities.
Target languages: Chinese, English, Korean, Japanese, Thai
Content type: Music festival news, DJ news, EDM/electronic tracks, DJing tech/equipment, local bars and clubs, music events and so on.
Article Submission:
Please submit the article as a Word document to FestGround's Editorial Office.
Your article should be at least 500 words long and the first submission should include a 200 word self-introduction. If the article is accepted, the editor will proofread and perform any retouches as necessary. You will not be notified if your submission is unsuccessful.
Translation Submission:
Please submit the translated content as a Word document along with the original article to FestGround's Editorial Office.
If you like one of our resident author's articles and want to promote it to in other languages, please submit your translated version to us. After editing and retouching, your translated article will be published on FestGround, with your name alongside the original author's.
FestGround is Asia's leading music festival ticketing platform. For more festival information and updates, sign up here to subscribe to our newsletter.